2D Runner Platformer Game Template. Spark AR v160, Instagram

7 ratings

Fully customizable 2D Platformer Game Template for Spark AR Studio v160.

Suitable for both new users and experienced ones.

Test link: https://www.instagram.com/ar/322124665525723

Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vLPPMH7zTaxkZvSOrFREhljDGIHmy2BC25Sn34tK4JQ/edit?usp=sharing

Main Features

  • Easy but powerful - you can just replace textures and upload filter, or change almost anything and get a whole new game!
  • Change settings via block inputs - no script required. Everything can be done in patches. There are Events and States that you can use to extend game logic
  • Add new platforms and item types or change default ones. Set their collider size. score bonus, pick-up sound and on-collision actions
  • Define collider sizes and see them visually
  • Enable or disable auto-jump, make player jump from tap, blink, nod or your own custom pulse
  • Ready to upload!

Change collider sizes easily with realtime visualization

Extend features by subscribing to events. There is an event for almost every situation!

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Ready to upload

Contains basic project with textures and sounds, ready to upload
Full documentation that will help you to discover all features of template
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2D Runner Platformer Game Template. Spark AR v160, Instagram

7 ratings
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